Two messages released in regards to CTR training and qualification requirements. Cryptologic Analytic Support Element (CASE) PQS working group announcement. DTG: 262026Z FEB 24

  • Who: CTR and CTT E5-E7 with recent relevant experience
  • What: CASE PQS Working Group
  • When: 8-12APR23
  • Where: IWTC VB
  • SME submission NLT 8MAR24

Collection Operator Job Duty Task Analysis after action message. DTG: 161938Z FEB 24

Plus the CASE JDTA photo!

For those unfamiliar with Navy training development, here’s an overview of the NETC’s comprehensive end-to-end process known as PADDIE (Plan, Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate).

The Job Duties Task Analysis (JTDA) is utilized by training centers to capture fleet requirements. Once validated by TYPCOM, these requirements initiate the creation of a Training Project Plan (TPP) during the Planning and Analysis phases. The TPP, informed by FEA and BCA outcomes, grants authorization for either new course creation or existing course revision.

Within the TPP, duties, tasks, and skills earmarked for training are detailed in the Course Training Task List (CTTL), which outlines course objectives. This CTTL guides the development of the Training Course Control Document (TCCD) during the Design phase. The TCCD, foundational to the course, aligns objectives with the JTDA and includes a course master schedule, specifying lectures, labs, and assessments.

Following TCCD creation, curriculum development or maintenance begins. New courses undergo a pilot phase to validate content and timelines. Successful completion of the pilot and acceptance by the training center lead to implementation as an instructional course at designated learning sites. Of note, all knowledge and performance tests should connect to objectives, which directly ties to JDTA.  Once approved, the Curriculum Control Authority, which is NETC represented will issue a Letter of Promulgation.
